
Over the course of my career, I have dedicated substantial time and energy to living my values. I do this within my day-to-day job and through my extracurricular involvement.

I have experience spearheading the creation of things, architecting new processes, running task forces, collaborating, and bringing people together to tackle a shared challenge.

My methodology

These are my core tenants when solutioning:

Any action moves the needle

Progress is fundamentally iterative. No worthwhile challenge is daunting enough for inaction to be justified.

Any action moves the needle

Progress is fundamentally iterative. No worthwhile challenge is daunting enough for inaction to be justified.

Any action moves the needle

Progress is fundamentally iterative. No worthwhile challenge is daunting enough for inaction to be justified.

It can be smart to be idealistic

The first step of affecting change and driving progress is often as simple as not knowing better than to try.

It can be smart to be idealistic

The first step of affecting change and driving progress is often as simple as not knowing better than to try.

It can be smart to be idealistic

The first step of affecting change and driving progress is often as simple as not knowing better than to try.

Constructive feedback matters

You reap the benefits of Inclusion and co-creation when people can safely share their criticism.

Constructive feedback matters

You reap the benefits of Inclusion and co-creation when people can safely share their criticism.

Constructive feedback matters

You reap the benefits of Inclusion and co-creation when people can safely share their criticism.

Community building

Started a list of all the designers at Pearson and organized an optional monthly social event for people to meet and chat about fun topics in 2-3 person breakout rooms.

  • Kicked this off to address silo challenges at Pearson and people not knowing who was open to meeting others.

Organized a monthly call about Design Systems paired with a Teams channel for anyone who wanted to talk about Design Systems at Pearson, and added everyone with past or present experience.

  • Made a space for people to ask their questions and share WIP for feedback.

  • Increased visibility across the organization, made it easier for people to view related work, and encouraged discourse.

Co-led Accenture's Analyst action team for NY and NJ for a year, overseeing 5 committees that offered professional, social, volunteer, membership activities to 1000+ Analysts.

  • Co-managed spend for AAT and reported metrics monthly to senior leadership.

  • Oversaw 10 co-leads who headed up the 5 committees, keeping alignment around shared goals.

  • Opened communication with other AAT chapters in other regions all across North America to compare best practices and lessons learned, and used insights to build a repository of information for the next year of leads.

Planned events in the greater Seattle area during the summer of my internship at Microsoft.

  • Identified a gap in cross-company intern event offerings, and filled the gap by organizing potlucks in public parks.

  • Planned events, designed marketing materials, and used social media marketing to garner attention.

  • The largest event had 200+ intern attendees, reporting from various companies in Seattle, and served as a way for interns to meet socially as well as to get insight into the other companies in the area informally.

Mentorship and 1:1s

Served as a mentor for two individuals through Pearson's mentorship program, to help support growth.

  • Guided one mentee through introductory visual design principles and provided feedback on her work.

  • ​Supported the other mentee by sharing feedback on team building and knowledge sharing.

Mentored by a senior leader through Pearson's mentorship program, to learn how to effectively operate within Pearson.

  • Had bi-weekly chats to get insight and perspective on work going-ons.

Volunteered with Internlink to mentor college students when the pandemic started, to help students get replacement internship experience when many in-person internships were cancelled.

  • Submitted a project idea and selected two computer science student applicants.

  • Held weekly reviews to share direction, go over work for feedback, and provide guidance.

  • Taught these students how to conduct research, build wireframes, design screens, conduct testing, and build out a prototype in Figma.

Volunteered with America on Tech as a mentor.

  • Held weekly sessions to offer support and help with homework questions.​ ​

Diversity and inclusion

Co-led the Diversity and Inclusion task team for Accenture's Northeast region of Digital Products, to help drive progress in employee hiring and retention.

  • Did exhaustive research on best practices for interviewing around diversity and inclusion, audited the process Digital Products was using, and provided actionable suggestions.

  • Mapped existing employees’ journeys, aggregating data to pinpoint trends and ultimately inform recommendations.

  • Built a comprehensive spreadsheet to track progress.

  • Co-wrote a pitch deck to request funding to support D&I initiatives that were likely to boost retention (such as conference attendance, guest speakers, and workshops) and presented cost proposals to senior North America leadership.

Co-founded and co-moderated a space for neurodivergent employees at Accenture.

  • Made room for neurodivergent (ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexic, etc.) employees to ask questions and support each other.


Co-founded and co-led a task team at Accenture across North America to identify, prioritize, and execute action items around building accessibility awareness in the company.

  • Helped organize a week-long event series where disabled folks working in development and design presented on topics relevant to the larger tech community beyond Accenture, reaching more than 900 attendees.

  • Led bi-weekly meetings for a 30+ person team, tracking accomplishments and identifying opportunities.

Applied for Deque's lifetime scholarship to get access to best practices and trainings in accessibility.

  • Worked through self-paced training modules to increase knowledge of best practices for accessibility in product design.

  • Leveraged findings in project work to make products more accessible.

Sharing information

Founded an upskilling group at Accenture to train management consultants across levels in visual design techniques that could be leveraged in PowerPoint.

  • Built out a 1.5 hour visual design primer in PowerPoint and presented on visual design strategies (and how to employ them in powerpoint when crafting client decks) to audiences of 40+ people at a time in the New York office.

  • Presented to over 200 people total, over numerous sessions.

  • Presented to audiences of varied levels, from Analysts to Managing Directors.

  • Was asked to present to client teams that wanted their whole team to upskill, and hosted smaller sessions for that.