Telecom Compare Phones

Lead Designer

Client Project


Low Fidelity Wireframes


Telecom customers were having trouble comparing potential device choices and needed a mobile-friendly tool to help them spot differences on the go. I was charged with gathering data on customer priorities and building out an experience that addressed their needs.


I started by compiling competitive research, identifying responsive websites that supported comparison views on small screen sizes, and parsing phone reviews to see what features mattered to customers.

Next, I made a list of potential features, with notes on potential value and prioritization.

From that, I mapped out the user journey to access a comparison view, distilled features to test based on prioritization details, and built out wireframes with different mixes of feature comparisons to test.


  • I took a chance and tried a new way of consolidating my research: organizing it all in a digital whiteboard. This approach was a success with the client, allowing space to doodle feature ideas, and making it easy to add notes.

    • Pulling together competitive research in a digital whiteboard tool (InVision Freehand) made it easy to see a high-level view of the market landscape, but also enabled people to zoom in on key details.

  • Enhanced visibility of iterative idea generation and amplified excitement about new features.

  • Strengthened a client relationship, getting funding for an additional designer to be added to our SOW.


  • Championing new technology helped me convey insights in a fresh way, but it can be challenging to get buy-in for new tools.